A Global Community for International Education


Characteristics Of An Effective Partnership

Looking to start a successful partnership with an international institution? Here’s what you should look for to achieve an effective partnership.

Oct 15, 2021

You can’t go it alone. Two is better than one sometimes. In fact, that’s the foundation of successful partnerships. When two academic institutions share common goals and pursue them together, magic happens.

Looking to start a successful partnership with an international institution? Here’s what you should look for to achieve an effective partnership.


Institutional partnerships mean faculty collaboration. When you establish a partnership with another university, it is to your advantage to gain some of the knowledge from their departments. Not only will your students gain more international competence, but your faculty members can also expand their knowledge by exchanging ideas with their international colleagues.


Although your partnership is founded on similar goals, disagreements and confusion are inevitable. Thus, it is important to choose a partner that is willing to negotiate and discuss things with you properly. Make sure there is a clear scope and list of tasks for the program. This also helps in building mutual trust between the two institutions involved.

Top-tier academic reputation

Of course, you would want to build a partnership with a reputable institution that will help yours grow. The partnership should be able to preserve the academic goals that matter to both campuses while fostering growth and advancement at the same time. Don’t let this partnership just be a partnership! Make sure that both institutions are gaining more competence.

Having goals that complement each other

A lot of times, leaders confuse the concept of complementarity with similarity. A successful partnership is basically just two reputable institutions helping each other enhance their academic competence. Instead of having two schools with similar goals and programs, a complementary relationship allows one institution to take on the lead in certain areas.

Improved student activity

Aside from improving the overall performance of your university, an institutional collaboration would also enhance student life inside your (virtual) campus! Successful collaborations between universities can help boost student diversity, enhance your curriculum, and increase enrolments due to greater academic reputation.

Ready to start your next partnership? 

Look for partners and start a virtual collaboration together on ImmerseU!


Grow your network with strategic partnerships. Connect with educators from around the world and help your instructors find collaboration partners. We've built a platform for administrators that will let you manage all your international partnerships in one place. Transform your internationalization efforts with ImmerseU.

By Suzanne Orzech, Chief Marketing Officer of Class2Class™

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