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Higher Education

How Institutions And Students Benefit From Virtual Exchange Programs

Whether your institution is large or small, well-established or just getting off the ground, you have something to gain from a virtual exchange program. Regardless of your institution’s mission, a virtual exchange program will give your students the opportunity to learn, engage and build relationships with students from other institutions around the world. Here are some reasons why engaging in a virtual exchange program is beneficial not only for your students but to your entire organization.

Aug 01, 2021

Whether your institution is large or small, well-established or just getting off the ground, you have something to gain from a virtual exchange program. Regardless of your institution’s mission, a virtual exchange program will give your students the opportunity to learn, engage and build relationships with students from other institutions around the world. Here are some reasons why engaging in a virtual exchange program is beneficial not only for your students but to your entire organization.

Raise global awareness

With virtual exchange programs, your students will get to virtually “travel” to other countries. This means they would get to engage with people from all walks of life and thus expose them to different cultures, races, and practices. Especially with creative collaborative projects, they will get to appreciate the cultural diversity of the program and learn how to appreciate different cultures.

Increases employability

One of the many amazing benefits of exchange programs is that it helps students increase their chances of getting employed. Not only that, but it also helps them gain skills for their future jobs. A study among European students who participated in the Erasmus exchange program found that they were 42% more likely to be employed than those who had not participated in any kind of international exchange.

Not only will your institution enhance its international competence, but your students will also be able to gain more knowledge that can help them with their future jobs. How’s that for a win-win situation?

Take students out of their comfort zone

Online education by itself is already more challenging than face-to-face classes. How much more if it is a virtual exchange program? Challenge your students to be more proactive by interacting with people from different parts of the world and cultures. While this might be intimidating at first, it’s a great opportunity for your students to become more adaptive to cultural differences.

Widens your faculty’s network

Faculty members also benefit tremendously from exchange programs. Local faculty members will get the chance to meet colleagues from different parts of the world and thus expand their network to a global level. Moreover, they’ll get the opportunity to conduct research with colleagues from other parts of the world which will expose them to new ideas and perspectives.

Increase internationalisation

Aside from widening their network, virtual exchange programs are a great way to enhance the quality of education by getting teachers and students in different countries to work together on projects, share their cultures, and learn from each other. Learning about different cultures and curriculums will allow teachers to expand their way of teaching by incorporating more intercultural dimensions into their curriculum. This enhances the university’s international competence.

Access to high-quality academic programs from high-ranked universities

Educating your employees is just as important as educating your students. High-ranked universities are regularly assessed by a third-party agency to make sure that they are delivering only the best type of services. By partnering with top-tier international universities, not only will you assert the international competence of your institution but you can also help your faculty develop impactful instructional programs.

Ready to start your virtual exchange? 

Learn how ImmerseU can help your university connect with international partners.


Grow your network with strategic partnerships. Connect with educators from around the world and help your instructors find collaboration partners. We've built a platform for administrators that will let you manage all your international partnerships in one place. Transform your internationalization efforts with ImmerseU.

By Suzanne Orzech, Chief Marketing Officer of Class2Class™

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